
God, yesterday we talked about how my mind works, my pattern of thinking. Tonight I want to talk a minute about prayer, about praying. You told a friend of mine to pray every day about a particular situation. I’ve been trying to do that too. But recently You also said I don’t have to ask You over and over for the same thing, which goes along with what You said yesterday about going over the same ground mentally.

Again you are thinking of prayer as only petition, rather than the conversation between us this has become. Let’s word this differently. Suppose I told your friend to talk to Me about this situation every day–not to keep asking for the same thing over and over, but to have dialog with Me about it. I can tell you it is a big enough issue she can easily find within herself something else to ask Me about, something else to uncover in her own thoughts and feelings, not to mention everyone else involved, as the process unfolds.

So let’s apply this same idea to you, and to your business, your working life, your finances, to the many decisions you have to make day-to-day. Tied into that is the whole issue of creativity for you, what, when, where, how, and that all changes in real time. Then we have your need for rest, and for play outside of work. Perhaps most important of al lis your need for time together with Pete that is not work-dominated. You could talk to Me about all of that, about everything involved with that, every day, and not be repeating some rote petition over and over. So why don’t we do that now? Why don’t you list out your fears and your joys? Even if I have addressed them before, if your fears are still present in you as fear, then we have more to talk about. This is not the same thing as going over the same mental territory but making no progress. The goal here is progress. Progress and freedom, freedom from your fear, which is always a very good thing. That is why I ask you to list your joys, too. It is always good to balance your focus, especially if you are trying to heal something wounded, or broken, within you.