Fire Seeds

Lord, I lift up my own need of…my own need of You. Thank You for a beautiful morning. You can fill the void–darkness on the face of the deep, and God said–and there was. What You spoke came into being. So, Lord, I’m praying. Lord, I am Yours. I am all Yours. What would You say?

You cannot carry results. You are not planting full-grown crops. You are planting seeds. You are planting seeds in the confidence that within the seed itself is the possibility. You are planting possibility. You know My heart to water and nourish, but it is up to each field’s steward what happens to the seeds. Some seeds lie dormant for years and only fire awakens them. These seeds, like those of the bristlecone pine, are seeds called healing. Called forgiveness. Called grace. It is not that these seeds call forth the fire, or relish it. The miracle of these seeds is that they will replenish even the most ravaged landscape. You planted some of these types of seeds long ago, and you are planting more now. Having access to the field is huge. You walk so softly, so gently. You have gone out mourning, carrying your seeds. Part of what you are reaping now in joy, is access to the field. Keep loving the field no matter how hard and dry and stoney it looks. I Am the Superfund Champion. I can cleanse and transform any field that yields. By yielding even slightly to the seeds you plant, the field is yielding to Me. Keep positive, stay gentle, and you will also enjoy the bountiful harvest, in time–meaning in this life, on this earth, in your experience, of those lives transformed. Don’t ever stop believing for that, for My Promise is True. It does take two–and they have you and Me. That is the twosome that will create miracles.



God, here I am, at the wanting to ask You for a miracle, a personal miracle, or the possibility of a miracle, and already I am hearing all this static in my head. You’re not supposed to ask for yourself. You’re not supposed to ask for miracles. God doesn’t do miracles anymore. God doesn’t do miracles, period, never did. Which is a small, slippery slope slide down into, God doesn’t, God can’t, God isn’t. Which I don’t believe. Which makes me, what? Crazy? Faithful? Foolish? Wise? What?

If you can’t ask Me for miracles, then who can you ask?

Well, that is the whole point, isn’t it? Either there is the possibility of what appears to our limited finite human faculties to be something out-of-ordinary, something other, something we have termed miraculous that happens, or there isn’t. Honestly, God, I come down every time on the side of the line that says there is. That says all is possible with You. I may not understand the how or the what, but I do believe, anything is possible with You. So I come asking, one more time–but not the last time. My one more time is never the last time.

Nor should it be. Even those who say they believe sometimes make Me out to be stingy, doling out favors to favorites, and in limited supply. Rather I Am extravagant, and love to lavish gifts on My world.

Oh, God, I am always creeping around this question. It starts with What about…and then I have–we all have–a private litany. What about this, or that, or so-and-so? What about what happened over there, or that particular day, or…whatever. What about that?

You want Heaven come to earth. I do, too. It is no comfort, no comfort at all to say, well it isn’t here yet. You know that. I know that, too. All you can do is all you are already doing–keep asking and keep believing and keep an open mind and heart, even when you don’t understand.

God, it’s hard. I just want to make everything better. I just want–this sounds so naive, so like some fairy tale with a happily ever after ending–but that IS what I want, I just want everyone healed. I want bodies healed and strengthened, I want minds and hearts healed, I want the power of addictions broken so folks and families can be whole. I want what I want. I feel almost stubborn about it. 

This is why you make such a great Kingdom ambassador.

It is?

Yes, you know when not to compromise. You don’t compromise My values or My principles, which are…

Always to bless.

Yes, always to bless.

So can I ask You, may I ask You, one more time?

Of course. For as long as you live in a body on this earth, you may ask Me, one more time, again and again.

Thank You, God. Then I am asking…

Red Light, Green Light

Lord, I want to keep producing a life focused on You, on Your goodness. I want to say, God is Good, God is Love. Not just, God is Powerful. So what do I say in the presence of folks who didn’t get a miracle: They hear, oh, your faith must not have been strong enough. Jesus healed here. What is wrong now?

Don’t think “your faith isn’t strong enough” as an indictment, as judgment; that is what you are doing, and that thinking sets up illness or an accident, or a death, as punishment.

I have told you before, a more accurate way to think is the analogy I gave. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My Voice, and opens the Door, I will come in…

I Am, Myself, always asking, always calling, always seeking, always knocking. I also said, ask and receive; seek and find; knock and it shall be opened to you. So this seems contradictory to your finite mind. Immediately you think of prayers unanswered, doors stubbornly shut.

This will not seem comforting this morning until you soak in its Truth. My perspective is infinity. Ultimately in Infinity, in Eternity, Doors swing open. Doors I, God, knocked on, all life long, swing open with the perspective and understanding Eternity provides.

There are people huddled in misery on their side of the door. Whether through their own repeated choices, or mental health, or trauma they’ve experienced, they are deaf–or making themselves deaf–to My Knock, My Call. That leads to choices that only prolong their misery, health-wise, financially, and in their relationships including their relationships to themselves. People ignore the still, small voice that would have prevented the accident or the disastrous relationship. Again, this is not a judgment, this is a statement of fact.

If every motorist on the road today decided to ignore the red light ahead, there would be a disaster at almost every intersection nation-wide. The real astonishment isn’t that tragedies occur; the real astonishment is that there are not even more of them, considering how few people on a daily, on an hourly basis, really listen for My Voice and are led by that Voice and the best values a life can have.

People forget–or disbelieve–I even exist. Or if they acknowledge Me at all, they forget–or disbelieve–I Am Love. The Earth and all it contains is Mine. My Heart shatters every nano-second at the way My Children treat one another, and treat what began as a beautiful planet to live and grow in.

You cannot hold all this. You cannot hold even a fraction of this. Don’t even try. Take a deep breath, and another. Remember, you are responsible for your choices. For listening for My Voice. For saying Yes to My Call, for opening the Door when I knock. For trusting when I seem to put a Red Light in your path, that a temporary delay or perhaps a turn is most beneficial to you now.

I Am still the Good Shepherd, the One Who Loves the Sheep. I will lead you to both green pastures and quiet waters if you listen and follow My lead.

Open Doors

Thank You, sweet God. I needed to remember what I know. I needed to look ahead and look around with that perspective. Now what would You say?

Praise is a Key, a big Key to a Big Door. Not because I have a big ego that needs stoking like a fire with the fuel of your devotion, but because My whole heart is devoted to you. To all of My creation. I love nothing more than blessing those I love. Your praise, your trust, your recognition of Who I Am is what allows those blessings to flow. All the locks are on your side of the door. There are no locks whatsoever on My side. Your choices can create barriers, and those barriers sadden Me. Yes, just as with Jesus’ physical body, your earthly choices have the power to wound My Heart. A harsh word wounds My Heart. Lives devoted to destruction, theirs and others, wounds My Heart. My Great Work of Creation is ongoing, for I Am always creating new chances, new possibilities, new outcomes for everyone on the planet. Your steady choice to believe and receive has swung open the door for you and your life many times.

Now let’s take the next step. If you can commit to what you know of Me again this morning, we can take the door itself off its hinges. The door will transform into a bridge across to My Country. You don’t ever have to go back or even look back to that existence where you questioned or doubted My Love for you or My “plan for your life”—which is expanding blessing, just as the countryside opens up before you. Like Lazarus, like Jesus, you can experience a resurrection, but you still have to make the choice to come out of the Cave. I Am inviting you into yet a larger life.

How can this be? you ask. You can live without fear. You can live without anxiety. You can live without upset. All of those are cave-dweller mindsets. You can live without worry. You can live with confidence, live in assurance, and experience daily, hourly synchronicity. I will never withhold from you any true blessing. Trust My timing to be perfect. “Yes” to praise frees you. Begin again to see Beyond.

This is how time-travel works for you. See the future I promise as real in your now. See it for everything you care about, your business, your family, your friends. See it for anyone who struggles. You don’t have to tell Me what you see of the struggle, unless doing so helps you release it. Instead, let Me tell you and show you what I see so you can see with Me.

This is the point where you’ve always drawn back before. “What must I sacrifice?” you thought. “What must I give up?” “What must I suffer?” These are false questions and they lead back to false gods, not to Me.

Live a life so connected with Me, so overflowing with blessing, that it magnetizes others to good. Let your very presence cause them to open their door to Me, which is how healing happens. You will have to give up the world’s perspectives of fear and of anxiety in order to fully inhabit the life I have for you. You will have to give up an obsessive concern for what others think of you in order to wear well the mantle of what I think of you.

You are thinking, how do I begin. You’ve already begun. You’ve walked a long distance already. You can jog now. You can run now. You are not a beginner. You know this.

You have pictured your life lately like a finite water bucket that others dig down into a well, and draw from what you perceive as your small, leaky reserves of time and energy.

You are a river in Me, the Great River. Live connected and experience an unending flow.

Living in the flow rejuvenates you and it increases your capacity to flow. That is what we are doing this morning. We are excavating in the Spirit. Like a mighty Canyon River, we are carving new pathways of possibility—I Am, by My Power and Intention, and you are, by the power of your agreement. Alleluia, alleluia. I have waited long for this day. The last boulders are tumbling downstream and the floodgates are flung wide open. Alleluia, alleluia.

The Age of Miracles

So this morning I am coming to the Page quieter. Like a student, settling in, before the morning class. Before the Professor begins. More like an apprentice than a passive note-taker. We are going to do things, do things together, as You teach me. Lord, I want very much to learn and understand what You’ve been trying to teach me and show me. I’m curious as to why this sort of thing isn’t in the Bible.

Oh, but it is. Think of the ax head that floated. The sea that parted. Think of the loaves and fishes. Think of Philip vanishing after the eunuch was baptized. Think of Peter and John’s escape, following the angel right out of prison.

The rational mind—the age of science and reason—could not challenge centuries of belief by the masses. So they did not try to say, that’s not true—not at first. They said something much more persuasive: the day of miracles is over. That allowed people to keep their faith while losing their hope. Losing their expectancy. That removed Me gradually from having a present-day effect in people’s lives. That reduced Me to having provided, centuries ago, a coupon good for admission to a better afterlife—and that created a void or gap, a hunger, which ordinary people began to try to fill in numerous ways, rather than through a deliberate, conscious interaction with Me. And—this is very important—the church at large began to teach that any manifestations of altered reality were in fact demonic since I, the God of the Universe “didn’t do that sort of thing anymore” except perhaps in extraordinary circumstances, certainly not for ordinary people. You see how insidious this thinking is?

The truth is that much of what the church might label demonic, like Native American ways of being with animals is actually Me in disguise. The Tree is known by its fruit. I Am the Supremely Creative One. The Devil, Jesus said, comes only to rob, to kill, to destroy—never to give, never to create, never to heal, never to multiply. All of that is My work, whether it is recognized or not.

So many of the limits you humans live with are self-imposed. So much of what is attributed to Satan is actually your own doing. Hear Me: you humans have power to do good, great good, or to do evil. The great power of humanity is choice. I the Lord cannot choose evil. The Enemy of your souls—as long as there is enmity—cannot choose good. But you can. A hundred, a thousand, many times a day, you can and you do. If you take this capacity, this choice, and more consciously and deliberately align it with Me, ah, that is when miracles happen. That is when you are open to seeing them—that is the first step. Being witness. From there, your next step is becoming a participant, an agent in their creation, their manifestation. The world has always had its nay-sayers, its doom-and-gloomers, its “things are only getting worse” crowd. It has also had its visionaries, its creatives, its emissaries of a better life. That is who you are.