The Age of Miracles

So this morning I am coming to the Page quieter. Like a student, settling in, before the morning class. Before the Professor begins. More like an apprentice than a passive note-taker. We are going to do things, do things together, as You teach me. Lord, I want very much to learn and understand what You’ve been trying to teach me and show me. I’m curious as to why this sort of thing isn’t in the Bible.

Oh, but it is. Think of the ax head that floated. The sea that parted. Think of the loaves and fishes. Think of Philip vanishing after the eunuch was baptized. Think of Peter and John’s escape, following the angel right out of prison.

The rational mind—the age of science and reason—could not challenge centuries of belief by the masses. So they did not try to say, that’s not true—not at first. They said something much more persuasive: the day of miracles is over. That allowed people to keep their faith while losing their hope. Losing their expectancy. That removed Me gradually from having a present-day effect in people’s lives. That reduced Me to having provided, centuries ago, a coupon good for admission to a better afterlife—and that created a void or gap, a hunger, which ordinary people began to try to fill in numerous ways, rather than through a deliberate, conscious interaction with Me. And—this is very important—the church at large began to teach that any manifestations of altered reality were in fact demonic since I, the God of the Universe “didn’t do that sort of thing anymore” except perhaps in extraordinary circumstances, certainly not for ordinary people. You see how insidious this thinking is?

The truth is that much of what the church might label demonic, like Native American ways of being with animals is actually Me in disguise. The Tree is known by its fruit. I Am the Supremely Creative One. The Devil, Jesus said, comes only to rob, to kill, to destroy—never to give, never to create, never to heal, never to multiply. All of that is My work, whether it is recognized or not.

So many of the limits you humans live with are self-imposed. So much of what is attributed to Satan is actually your own doing. Hear Me: you humans have power to do good, great good, or to do evil. The great power of humanity is choice. I the Lord cannot choose evil. The Enemy of your souls—as long as there is enmity—cannot choose good. But you can. A hundred, a thousand, many times a day, you can and you do. If you take this capacity, this choice, and more consciously and deliberately align it with Me, ah, that is when miracles happen. That is when you are open to seeing them—that is the first step. Being witness. From there, your next step is becoming a participant, an agent in their creation, their manifestation. The world has always had its nay-sayers, its doom-and-gloomers, its “things are only getting worse” crowd. It has also had its visionaries, its creatives, its emissaries of a better life. That is who you are.