Breaking Point

I am going to be, not exactly (I hope) taking a break from blogging here as much as uploading less frequently than daily.

The time commitment of running the shops in the summer, particularly on nights I close, is making the process of doing daily entries suddenly a strain on my most important earthly relationship, that with Pete. I didn’t realize how much it upset him until earlier this evening.

I know God knows my heart. While my talking with Him certainly won’t diminish, I cannot promise what I started out promising in my initial understanding of this blog: that it would be a daily posting of our conversations, in hopes of prompting readers to begin dialogs of your own.

I admit, too, that I have felt lost this evening, wondering what to say, or if to say anything at all. But I have more than 1,100 of us signed up to subscribe now. So I owe you the full truth.

I will post again as I can.

2 Replies to “Breaking Point”

  1. I certainly understand, your priority should be your husband. God wants that as much as you do. That’s how He created us😊

  2. Prayers for a great Summer. And congratulations on knowing when to shift priorities.

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