2:47, 24/7

I just glanced at the clock on my computer. 2:47 PM. And all I could think of was, 24/7. That is You. That is Who You Are, in all our lives. There, 24/7. Thank You. You said yesterday, connect in the moment, for a moment. So here I am. And all I have to say, really, is thank You and I love You.

And Here Am I. Thank you. I Love you. See how easy this is? How effortless? See how you are smiling widely now, and just two minutes ago, your heart was racing through its tasks, ticking off the to-accomplish list, wondering what was priority next? You looked up, caught sight of the time, and in that moment, made a Moment. Made a Moment of connection with Me, which also connected you back to yourself. I told you early this morning, sometimes you will discern My Voice, and sometimes you will hear your own voice telling you your body or soul’s own need. Learn to listen and you will live your life even more at peace. So now, you can go back to those tasks refreshed. You see? A moment’s connection can make an hour’s or an afternoon’s or a lifetime’s path more clear.