Sees Far

God, SeesFar, that is an Eagle Name. Not a Fox Name. Or a Deer Name. Or a Mouse Name.

Yes, you have eyes in both worlds now.

Lord, in the story, Mouse gave up both its eyes eventually—to Wolf and to Buffalo—and then Became Eagle. But Fox, fox did not give up an eye to Eagle.

Nor have you given up both eyes. No sacrifice for Love is ever wasted, even if not received by the originally intended recipient. I take all those gifts to Myself. And I never forget. So Fox’s missing eye Eagle has received and made its own, and given back to Fox as extraordinary vision. Vision in the Extraordinary sense.

Like, Vision.


Oh!! So I have…

So you have a Fox/Mouse eye, and an Eagle eye. You have eyes in both East and South.

And my ears?

You have ears in the West and North.


You hear language and music. You hear nature and My Spirit. You hear within and Beyond, just as you see here and Beyond. You see what is, and what will be. You also see what can be. And you hear in those directions as well. You hear what is, but you also hear what can be, and what will be. You hear My Heart. You have tuned your heart to My Rhythms. Now I want you to finetune your focus, your vision, on My Vision, just as you have tuned your heart to My Heart. Do You Understand?

Probably not. But I am willing.

That is enough.