Touch and Go

Julia Cameron says we should write in the morning, and for the past 16 years, I have done just that. I like starting the day with a clean slate, remembering who I am, who You are. I like setting my inner compass for the day, and I definitely feel more centered and less rushed when I take that morning time. But I have to admit, thanks to this blog, I am liking my times of writing in the evening, too. I haven’t sat to write at night like this for years and years, maybe 30 or more. There is something about ending the day with a clean slate, too. But I don’t always find time to do both. Sometimes, especially if I missed the morning pages for some reason, I find myself rushing here at night, and rushing is not my best pace, where these pages are concerned. I do better to amble on paper than dash.

You do better to amble through life than dash, too — but sometimes, dashing is necessary, and dashing here is better than not coming here at all.

Sometimes I feel like a pilot practicing touch-and-go’s; I am not really seeing the scenery, and I am not fully landing!

But practice for the sake of practice can be beneficial, too, and that is one lesson you are learning now. Sometimes it is enough to, as you say, “just show up.” What have you learned by just showing up?

I have learned that You are always, always here. I get afraid I will be met with silence. I get afraid that our connection is lost, that I have lost it, like the cliche about losing the thread of the conversation. I am afraid my end will unravel. But Yours never does. Sometimes You pick up where I left off weeks or months or years before, and suddenly what You said then clicks into place, and it all makes sense!

That is one advantage of writing these musings instead of merely thinking them. Memory as you know can be elusive, or fickle. You may not always remember when you need to. Details, important nuances, can be lost. But if you take the time to write it all down, as you have been doing these past 16 years, then you have a record to go back to.

It’s really helpful, Lord. It boosts my faith, too, to see or read rather, what You said in the past, and see it unfold later as my future. Well, when it unfolds it is my present, but You know what I mean.

Since I Am Timeless, I inhabit all time at one time. All is one to Me and in Me. That is why I can talk to you about the future. I Am already there. I can guide you from that perspective into your best possible choices, if you continue to let Me. If you continue to practice, to stay connected, there is much you can learn, much you can discern, and moreover, you can walk in much more faith, which by default means much less fear. It’s a good trade, don’t you think? A few minutes in the morning, a few minutes at night, and your faith and trust increase while your worry and stress and fear decrease.

Yes, Lord, a very good trade! Thank You. But back to “touch and go.” When we say that, it is usually a negative connotation. It means, can go either way, like someone in a medical emergency, and you don’t know the outcome. You seem to be implying something different.

The keyword is “touch” not “go.” As you go, touch. Think of touchstone. These pages are like a touchstone for you. Here, you touch Me. You touch My Heart. You touch your own here, too, and you see right away when you are off course, or off center. You touch, and then you are empowered to go, to go into your day. Think of how you often dash out the door in the morning, think of this morning–what was the last thing you did?

Well, dash is the word for today, and the last thing I did before I stepped out the front door was give Pete a kiss goodby, and tell our Sheltie to be a good girl and I would be home tonight, and then on the front porch I said the same to the kitty. Then I just about trotted to the car!

You see? You took time to touch, and then go. In Me, even touch and go can be a very good thing.