The Bridge

Ok, Lord, I have to ask You one more thing. What about Lazarus and the Rich Man, the parable You told, about the gulf between the two, and how nobody could come across from one side to the other? What about that?

It is true, that on their own, on their own volition or desire, neither could cross the chasm–but you are forgetting I Am the Bridge. It is I Who Crosses. It is I Who Bridges the Gap. I Am the One Who unites, finally at what you humans call the End and what I name the Great Beginning, the Rebirthing.

The sense of shame does not carry forward into eternity, but those with great remorse do carry forever the realization–in a much deeper way than those who need little forgiveness–of how deep and great and wide and high My Grace, My Love and My Forgiveness truly is. That is why Paul could write that ALL will be saved, though for some, it will be through fire. It will be for those, first, through the fire that consumes all they have done of evil, of ill will, in their lives, and second, through the fire of great and passionate Love, for Me as their Redeemer and for all their fellow humans. For I Am Not Willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. And So It Shall Be. My Will Shall Be Done–though not always on your earth or in your sight.

This is the real meaning of My Cross. I Cross the chasm. I Bridge the divide, the divide between Love and Hate, between Peace and Discord, between Joy and Sorrow. I Cross the divide between Life and Death, and that is why it is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. I Am Life. I Am Resurrection. Some may enter through the back door, so to speak, but all shall eventually enter into My Kingdom–and then, there shall be, as I said, One Flock, One Shepherd, all united in Me.