Kaleidoscope of Choices

Recalculating…it’s like You do that all the time, instantaneously as we, all of us, make our choices, billions upon billions of choices, large and small, second by second. It boggles the mind.

Just don’t let it boggle your heart. That is what is most important, a steady heart-rhythm. Don’t let your love falter or skip a beat.

So when You see the future…

 I see all possible futures. The future you create is largely up to you. If you don’t like the direction your life is going, you can choose to make changes that will change the outcome.

So much seems random, God. Illness. Accidents. Kids born into poverty; kids born sick, or who become ill, young. I falter, right there. My heart, it skips and stops, right there.

Because you still think of Me as the Cause of Everything.

Well, You are still the Creator, right?

Creator, yes. Puppeteer, no. There is a big difference. As Creator, I bestowed on you, on humanity, the gift of creation. You procreate, you have children. And your choices, individual and collective, create the world those children are born into. I Am present, not running the show, but available to be a Creative Partner to anyone who asks.

The truth is, few believe in Miracles anymore. And the few who do are often mocked or ridiculed by the rest, just as Jesus was. The masses who need a miracle often see or hear My Power and Love reduced to shiny objects—just as the crowds in Jesus’ day clamored for bread, for food, when they could have asked for so much more. Imagine if there had been a way to defeat Rome’s harsh rule, not through war or uprising or revolt, but through love, My Love. Imagine if Pontius Pilate had listened to his wife and her prophetic dreams. Imagine if Herod had listened to John the Baptist. There are examples in Scripture and history of dramatic turnarounds, when rulers were willing to listen and change course. Some of those turnarounds could have prevented diseases from even beginning, much less spreading, as living conditions for all would have been healthier and safer.

Imagine if all children born on the planet grew nurtured to be the best version of themselves, fully developing their gifts. Imagine every adult engaged in activity that fully utilized his or her skills and honored each one’s passions, as each contributed to the good of the world. No occupation would be menial. All would work in ways suited to them, to their needs and gifts. Imagine a world where each person lived to maximum fulfillment. Then, just for a minute, lest it shatter your heart, consider your world as it is.

One proof that I exist is that I exist—that the I Am Who I Am is still present, still here, and still willing to be at work in your world, in every individual life who hears the invitation to partner with Me. The Miracle is that My Own Heart has not shattered, or shuttered. That is how I can help heal humanity’s brokenness. Because I hold all possibilities simultaneously, so that I can bring good out of evil, and light out of darkness, I continue to hope and work for My Kingdom Come, a choice for kindness here, a choice for peace, there.

You cannot hold your town or your neighborhood or even your family in this kind of knowing. You can hold only yourself and your own choices, and even the import of those escapes you most of the time. But the more in tune you are to Me, the more aware of your best self you will become. That will lead to more, to even more loving and kind and peaceful and joyful choices, and that in turn will create, moment by moment, a more fulfilled and fulfilling life. And that will inspire others.

So…I can choose to worry?

Indeed you can. You can, literally, make yourself sick with worry. Or you can ask Me to lead you, to help you make wise choices, with the least amount of stress. You can ask that and live that, moment by moment over these next weeks. You cannot control others’ choices, only your own. I promise you that your choices will have an effect on the way these next weeks unfold.

Okay, Lord, please help me.

I Am helping you all the time. Just keep connected in mind as well as in heart, to Me.

2 Replies to “Kaleidoscope of Choices”

  1. Wow!!!!!!

    Simply wow!!

    So timely and right for right now.

    Thank you again, Eve.

    Bless you.

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