Divinity and Humanity

Lord, do You still experience human emotions? I never thought about that before. Are You still, so to speak, the God-Man, Jesus Christ: Or—in other words, are You still Jesus? Lord of All…but still Jesus?

The reason Thomas could put his hand in My side, and his finger in the nail-wounds in My hands is because I Am “still” Jesus. Glorified, Risen, but still and always Myself. So yes—I Am still weeping over My Jerusalem—over My world. And yes, I Am still seething over the money-changers and over the Pharisees within My own church, and yes, I Am still rejoicing over every single lost lamb brought back into the fold. I Am still the Door of the sheep, I Am still the Good Shepherd watching over the flock, I Am still the Light of the World. I Am not a helpless, dependent infant, and the day of My handing Myself over to the world’s authorities is past—but I Am still risen in My humanity. I still weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice. I will never stop being Who I Am.

So when I am afraid…or worried…

I share your fears. Not to give power to them but to transform them—and you. That is the real message behind Flawless. There is nothing I can’t overcome.

Lord, can You—would You—overcome disease? Can You—would You—overcome fear? Overcome depression and lethargy? There is brilliant beautiful sudden light!

I have already overcome. Focus on My Resurrection. The reason for the Cross was to get to Resurrection, to set the stage for it. I needed to become the Overcomer—for your sakes, all of you. You all still struggle with receiving. I Am not defeated, I Am Alive, Risen, Triumphant, and I Am calling you, all of you, to live in the power of My Rising.