
Lord, why is this such a struggle? Every day I struggle to remember who I am, in You; who You are, in me and in the world. I just want to get it! Like breathing.

You do get it like breathing. You breathe out and release what you know to be false, and you draw in what you know to be true. You see your struggle as a failing and I see it as a triumph. Over and over you release and you draw in. You commit, over and over. You renew your life with Me, over and over. Right now, you are dehydrated; you are thirsty. Your spirit craves My Spirit like your body craves water during exercise. Work is outflow—you do love it but it is outflow. You need some inflow. Sleep by itself is not enough. You need refreshment for your soul as well as rest for your body. It is okay to admit to Me how thirsty you are. Let Me quench your thirst first. Then you will have fresh water to share with others.

Transformation by Forgiveness

I am remembering an old lyric: I am just a little one, but I want to do my part. To the extent, oh Lord, that I can hold Your fullness, Lord Jesus, come and fill my heart.

Every time you pray the intent of that prayer, your capacity expands. You set the tone of your day, you set the tone of your life, here.

Now it’s time for another step of growth. You still harbor secret, buried feelings of anger toward the angry. This just gives them and their anger power over that part of your mind and heart. I don’t want you to agitate and fight against. I don’t want you to ignore and pretend it doesn’t exist or doesn’t hurt, or doesn’t do harm, either. I want you to do a third thing. Some call it forgiveness.

I want you to surround, in your mind and heart, every bit of news you hear, whether national or global or personal, with an effervescence of goodness, of love and peace and joy and mercy and healing and light. Bring Color to the grey. Where there is just harsh, shrill, loud noise, bring melody and harmony. Surround in your mind’s eye every bit of it with floating, dancing bubbles of Better. Better choices. A Better outcome. Someone says something nasty about someone else? Surround them both. See an ad for an abused animals fund? Surround the whole thing. Gang violence? Surround the neighborhood. Corruption in business or politics? Surround it.

This new response will take practice. You will sometimes feel discouraged. The task will seem too great, the needs to be surrounded too many and overwhelming. Come back to small at those times. Let intention grow. I promise you, this will become a signature part of your life, just as gratitude has. Your gratitude lists began as small daily observances and thanksgivings. Let this be that way, too.

Oh, Lord, You’ve spoken to me this way before. I need to ask Your forgiveness—I haven’t been doing this. I forgot.

This is why I never tire of telling you the same things, as many times as you need to hear them again, hear them fresh. Don’t fret over minutes or days past. Just begin again.

Just like that?

It only takes one second, one decision, one yes, to change everything.

Ok, Lord, thank You. And, yes.

Hope Healer

I have a sudden thought, to draw a Peace Shield.

 The center spiral is a question mark. Around and around, as a question. Sunrise over sea in the east, moonrise over mountains in the west. The passing of time.

 In the south is a Horse, with a blue lightning design painted on its side. There is an Elk, just standing watch, in the north.

The Horse is running, running between the sun and the moon. Isn’t that the truth! The Elk is standing. So the Horse is running in the South. It’s how I feel, like I have to hurry, to hustle, to figure out the spiral path, to answer the question, to get “it” all done, to get from A to B…and the Elk stands. It is a snapshot of how I feel. Oddly, I am now very relaxed. Running Horse could also be play, could be playful. Not frantic—having fun. I would like to shift to that possibility. Lord, what does the Blue Lightning mean? That would be a lot of paint, blue lightning. A lot of rocks would have to GiveAway to make that much blue paint. The Horse would have to stand still to be painted thus. And then it could run like the wind!

So a Horse can bolt, spooked. Or race. Or run because it can, because it wants to. I’ve done the first two. Is this a 3rd way? The question being, not where are you running, but why? With what heart? To what purpose?

 Lightning is swift and symbolizes power to me. Oh. The blue, that color blue, represents healing.

You are a Healer, Eve. But you are a spirit-healer, rather than a body healer. By all means, pray for bodies to recover. But even more than that, pray for spirits and souls and hearts to be healed. This means grief. This means loss—loss of hope, loss of purpose, loss of vision. This means answers to questions that swirl in the mind, causing unrest. Your wisdom does come from a Higher Source, from Me—represented by the Elk in the north. But it runs strongly through your daily, empowered and inspired by My Holy Spirit. Blue is also the color of peace, of calm, of serenity. These are soul words, spirit words. I am rekindling in you the Gift of Healing for spirits and souls and hearts. Let others lay hands on bodies—that is others’ work. You are a DreamGiver—you are a HopeHealer—you run in joyous play, full of life and vigor. Peace can empower too. Peace can open a door of strength and purpose. A country at true peace can prosper. A family at peace can build. Blue is also the color of Prosperity. It is a color of extravagance, of living larger, of living luxuriously. Azure—the wide open sky. From Carolina Blue to Big Sky Country, so shall your reach be. I am giving you the west. I am giving you the north and the south. You will move in all four directions with ease.

When you talk about your work, talk about what moves you most, not about the best sellers. Talk about how you feel outdoors, about what the outdoors does for you and how you respond. Blue is a responder-color. Water responds—to light, to wind, to temperature, to gravity. You can’t have a rainbow without water. Turquoise blue is a symbol for clarity and purity as well. So be clear, pure, peaceful and empowered. Receive Earth’s giveaway. Accept the extravagant riches of Blue, of Blue Lightning, and enrich and inspire others. Blue is for inspiration, too.

Okay, Lord, I receive. I receive Your GiveAway so I can give. Help me run today with purpose, and in Joy.


Age of Miracles, Part 2

Ok, Lord. What must I do, to be, as You said, an emissary of a better life?

Pay attention. We are going to fine-tune your reception. We are going to align your focus. We are going to steady and stabilize your resolve. Your discernment is going to kick into overdrive. Your intuition will change from random nudges to steady, constant direction, like a GPS—God’s Positioning System. The x and y coordinates will be receiving, that is the “x marks the spot” definitive experience, and the giving is the “y,” which stands for you and for yes. Your yes to Me and My yes to you. The third coordinate is Time and that both stops and expands for you.

This is a Mystery, but no longer will you live out an experience of not enough time. No longer will you have the experience of disappointment in missing your opportunity. No, now you will live in the golden opportunity as your life, as your life experience. You will live in right place, right time, right on time, time is right.

I have longed to show the wonder of a life, a seemingly ordinary life, a layperson, deeply connected to Me, and in you I have found one who is willing to say yes, to suspend disbelief, to challenge teachings of limitation, and to move beyond fear into a life, here and now, of limitless Love. Into My life. So let’s begin. Let’s make something amazing happen, beginning today.

The Age of Miracles

So this morning I am coming to the Page quieter. Like a student, settling in, before the morning class. Before the Professor begins. More like an apprentice than a passive note-taker. We are going to do things, do things together, as You teach me. Lord, I want very much to learn and understand what You’ve been trying to teach me and show me. I’m curious as to why this sort of thing isn’t in the Bible.

Oh, but it is. Think of the ax head that floated. The sea that parted. Think of the loaves and fishes. Think of Philip vanishing after the eunuch was baptized. Think of Peter and John’s escape, following the angel right out of prison.

The rational mind—the age of science and reason—could not challenge centuries of belief by the masses. So they did not try to say, that’s not true—not at first. They said something much more persuasive: the day of miracles is over. That allowed people to keep their faith while losing their hope. Losing their expectancy. That removed Me gradually from having a present-day effect in people’s lives. That reduced Me to having provided, centuries ago, a coupon good for admission to a better afterlife—and that created a void or gap, a hunger, which ordinary people began to try to fill in numerous ways, rather than through a deliberate, conscious interaction with Me. And—this is very important—the church at large began to teach that any manifestations of altered reality were in fact demonic since I, the God of the Universe “didn’t do that sort of thing anymore” except perhaps in extraordinary circumstances, certainly not for ordinary people. You see how insidious this thinking is?

The truth is that much of what the church might label demonic, like Native American ways of being with animals is actually Me in disguise. The Tree is known by its fruit. I Am the Supremely Creative One. The Devil, Jesus said, comes only to rob, to kill, to destroy—never to give, never to create, never to heal, never to multiply. All of that is My work, whether it is recognized or not.

So many of the limits you humans live with are self-imposed. So much of what is attributed to Satan is actually your own doing. Hear Me: you humans have power to do good, great good, or to do evil. The great power of humanity is choice. I the Lord cannot choose evil. The Enemy of your souls—as long as there is enmity—cannot choose good. But you can. A hundred, a thousand, many times a day, you can and you do. If you take this capacity, this choice, and more consciously and deliberately align it with Me, ah, that is when miracles happen. That is when you are open to seeing them—that is the first step. Being witness. From there, your next step is becoming a participant, an agent in their creation, their manifestation. The world has always had its nay-sayers, its doom-and-gloomers, its “things are only getting worse” crowd. It has also had its visionaries, its creatives, its emissaries of a better life. That is who you are.


High-voltage Connection

My mind is in day-go mode. I need to center back down, right? What is most important today?


What is most important today is that you keep your peace. That you remember I AM with you. That you really remember what that means. That you choose. If you are going to walk down memory lane, walk those paths where My Promises came true in spades. If you are going to think about the future, remember I AM already present there, loving you, blessing you. Remember that your serenity is not dependent on circumstances, or on what anyone else says, does or experiences. Your serenity, the reality of your life, depends on Me.

Think of it this way: is your lamp that you are reading and writing by just now in any way dependent on whether somebody in the next town paid their electric bill? You each have your own connection. Yours happens to be a high-volt transmission line. Nobody else’s frayed wiring needs to affect you in the least.

Ha, that is funny, God. Somehow I am finding that funny. Ok, thank You.

 You’re welcome (with the hint of a chuckle).

Communication Beyond This Life

Lord, I have a question. The Old Testament prohibition against consulting the dead. Lord, can’t I, we, people, can’t we talk to, communicate with, our loved ones? And if yes—I talk to Patrick sometimes, I’ve tried to send pleas for help to Pat, can I actually be in touch with Mom? Dad? Gabby? Phillip? Can I? May I?That is my question.

Why would you want to be?

I miss them. I know I have You—shouldn’t that be enough?

I did not create humans to be solitary. I created you for community. Your relationships continue, that is the real message of hope and gladness in the Gospel. Of course you can communicate; they would love that. You would love that. It doesn’t take away from your time with Me any more than your being married to Pete, or having close friends, takes anything away from your relationship with Me. This is your great life-lesson, Eve: Both/And. Both a deep connection to Me AND a deep connection to all that makes up your daily life. And yes—that daily life can include angels, it can include animals, it does include people—people present to you in the body and people present to you in the spirit. Knock down those walls of fear, trust Me to lead you, and receive even more guidance and help and support and love.

I Do

Here I am, Lord; it is I, Lord. Over and over, the same questions, the same questions…

You don’t expect Pete to ask you to marry him every day or every few days. You settled that with one yes and your later I do. You do expect to hear and say, I love you. Don’t confuse the two in your relationship with Me. Settle in your heart the promises I have made you—to bless you, to prosper your business, to give your body health and strength, to bless you and Pete, to bring you encounters in the wild, to open doors to share about Me and about your life in Me with a greater audience. All of that is like the “I do.”

I want you to think again of seven, of seven days, of seven years, as Sabbath and Jubilee years. These are years that celebrate such overwhelming abundance, you actually reap, eat and enjoy the fruit of past labors and coast on the breeze of My favor. Let Me lavish you, that is what Sabbath means. You think it means a fast—it means a feast. The ultimate Sabbath will be the Feast of the Bridegroom and oh! What rejoicing and revelry then! I want you to shed once and for all time your poverty model. I want you to go forth, rejoicing. You need to let your heart love what it loves.

Mapping the Journey

Lord, can You help color in the picture of my life, Eve’s life, being of maximum effect for You? For Your kingdom? I keep coming back in my thought to all You’ve said. I feel a little like a kid playing with the box and not seeing what the amazing thing inside can do!

At least you are playing, you’re engaged—that’s a start. Once play is more comfortable, more of an automatic response, more possibilities will occur to you.

Oh. Oh, okay.

You’ve had such narrow thoughts about ministry. Those thoughts have been very much like playing with the box. They’ve boxed you in and now You are hearing Me calling you to “live outside the box.” What I really mean by that is, take the essence of what once was for you within the box, and live it in the world. Remember your old lyric: “I want to tell all the people I know that they can touch You, Lord.” That’s what I want, too, for you, for your life.

Lord, sometimes I think I’m missing the point and sometimes I think, is this it, this life I live, this is the point. Then I feel this weird combination of feelings, a cross or a mix between relief (it’s ok, I’m doing ok, I’m not disappointing You) and disappointment with myself because this life seems of such little effect compared to

Whoa. Stop right there. “Compared to.” That phrase causes so much trouble for you humans. I don’t want you to compare to or compare with. No one else’s life or experience is to be your mirror. I Am holding your believing mirror. Let Me fill in the map, not of where you have already been, but where you are going. I do want you to have a sense of what, and when. I want you to have Joy in the Journey, and part of that is anticipation. Vision Quests are meant to give vision! I’m not asking you to live in fog. I Am asking you to look to Me and My words to you for your path, your clear path. So let’s define for your life what “maximum effect” is. You’ve been trying to match that to pieces of others’ lives, like a puzzle. I’m going to give you a brand new picture, a brand new map, for your life. Keywords are Joy, and Connection, and Loving-Kindness—all of which bring Peace, as a result.


Lord, You said that one way You speak to me is by providing an image in the now, an image meant for a message. So what is the message that goes with the reflections on the Sound?

The more still you are, the more accurately and completely will your life reflect Who I Am. The more agitated you are, the less true is My Reflection through your life because My words are being distorted by fear or doubt or close-mindedness.

I get You saying fear or doubt, but close-minded? I thought I was pretty open-minded.

You still have many shuttered windows and locked doors when it comes to My blessings. You can’t see out, and you say, not possible. Your lack of vision freezes your steps. You want to see a clear path before you take a step.

Isn’t that wisdom?

Not if I’ve spoken to your heart to move.

But how can I know?

Little One, how do you know anything? By trust. You trust the information presented to you, or you trust the one speaking or you prove it true in your experience.

But you can’t just trust everybody!

No, of course not. But I Am not asking you to trust everybody, am I? I’m asking you to trust Me.