Oh Very Young

Lord, I feel like I’m missing something, some lesson, some message. Young, transformation, over and over and over. Like a Native American message–look for new growth, give-away to the young so the young can grow. I sort of think it’s beyond that, even.  I mean, that all seems obvious. But what are You trying to say to me?

To the very young, everything is wonder. Every day, every experience is fresh and new. The very young are receptors–they take in everything and learn and grow from all of it. Everything has a lesson to teach. They have not yet learned to judge, to sort experience. They are curious but not yet wise. Their very openness and wonder are their gifts. True Wisdom retains this wonder. True Wisdom contains this enthusiasm. True Wisdom is not cynical, not jaded. True Wisdom retains the expectancy of Very Young. There is a big difference between “getting older” and “growing elder.”

The Very Young are wide-eyed. Some are timid by nature and some are bold, but all know they are in a larger world, full of possibilities.  Most adults reach a point where they stop. They settle. They stop growing, stop learning, stop expecting anything new or wonderful. Most adults assume, this is it, I’ve reached as high or as far as I can. And they quit there, and begin concentrating not on growing but on maintaining, on not-losing, on not-sliding-backwards. They may have an occasional moment or experience that is beyond the box they’ve constructed and labeled “real life” but those are few. I never asked My Children to “grow up” in this way. I never said, the day will come when I, your Father, will no longer have anything new to show you, give you, tell you, teach you.

Some–you call them visionaries, explorers, inventors–refuse to grow up into this settledness. If not for them, you would, all of you, still be living in the Stone Age.

You already know, which has shaped your believing, a little, a very little, about potential. Don’t stop here. That’s the message. Don’t stop now. Don’t stop, period. In many ways you are already an Elder. But in so many other ways you are a Beginner. You have received that word as a negative rather than as the positive it is, in Me. You are remembering emotions surrounding the phrase “starting over” as loss. Starting over–after losing a relationship, after losing a child, after losing a job…going backwards…you have tremendous sorrow, tremendous grief, tremendous energy of loss, of defeat, around the thought of beginning. That is the source of your mixed emotions right now.

There is a lot that no longer fits for you, a lot more than you’ve been willing to admit or acknowledge. I want you to explore that with Me. Be honest, here. What no longer fits? What relationships no longer fit? What beliefs? What patterns? If you were moving into “smaller to grow larger” emotional space, mental space, what thoughts and feelings do you not have room for? What programs do you want to purge from your hard drive so it will run faster?

If you knew you’d remain healthy, and have financial resources, what would you do then? What would change? What would you dare? What would you dream? What would you try? Your largest dreams, selling a few stock photos to an ad agency for a hospital, is so small, I could make that happen in one day! Then what? I Am saying to you, now what? Don’t become “older.” Don’t settle. Don’t “be adult about this.” Be Very Young. Be filled with wonder, be creative, let your imagination take wing. Be Bold.

Watchword for 2018

So You know how I feel about New Year’s Eve, how I feel about rites of passage in general. I like them. I like assessing and planning. I like looking back, looking around, and looking forward. I like keywords and watchwords. God, do You have a word for our planet? For our country?

Love One Another. Everything falls apart without that.

Love is the oil that lubricates every relationship, that soothes every wound, that softens every scar. Love’s oil gives light, gives heat, gives fragrance, and transforms ordinary days into oases of great beauty and joy. It’s the one song the stars dance to, and the waves on the shore. You can never have too much love or give too much love. Love has the power to transform any situation, bring calm out of chaos, and give sight to the blind, especially those who are blind to others. Love is always in season, always in style, never grows old.

You say you want to change the world? Love one another. Begin and end with Love. End your year, start your year. Let love undergird every decision. Do all from love, with love, by love. It’s another way of saying, do all connected to Me. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it is connected to the Vine, neither can you, unless you are connected to Me.

You want fruit? You want impact? You want influence? You want a better world? Choose Me. Choose Love.

Age of Miracles, Part 2

Ok, Lord. What must I do, to be, as You said, an emissary of a better life?

Pay attention. We are going to fine-tune your reception. We are going to align your focus. We are going to steady and stabilize your resolve. Your discernment is going to kick into overdrive. Your intuition will change from random nudges to steady, constant direction, like a GPS—God’s Positioning System. The x and y coordinates will be receiving, that is the “x marks the spot” definitive experience, and the giving is the “y,” which stands for you and for yes. Your yes to Me and My yes to you. The third coordinate is Time and that both stops and expands for you.

This is a Mystery, but no longer will you live out an experience of not enough time. No longer will you have the experience of disappointment in missing your opportunity. No, now you will live in the golden opportunity as your life, as your life experience. You will live in right place, right time, right on time, time is right.

I have longed to show the wonder of a life, a seemingly ordinary life, a layperson, deeply connected to Me, and in you I have found one who is willing to say yes, to suspend disbelief, to challenge teachings of limitation, and to move beyond fear into a life, here and now, of limitless Love. Into My life. So let’s begin. Let’s make something amazing happen, beginning today.

Communication Beyond This Life

Lord, I have a question. The Old Testament prohibition against consulting the dead. Lord, can’t I, we, people, can’t we talk to, communicate with, our loved ones? And if yes—I talk to Patrick sometimes, I’ve tried to send pleas for help to Pat, can I actually be in touch with Mom? Dad? Gabby? Phillip? Can I? May I?That is my question.

Why would you want to be?

I miss them. I know I have You—shouldn’t that be enough?

I did not create humans to be solitary. I created you for community. Your relationships continue, that is the real message of hope and gladness in the Gospel. Of course you can communicate; they would love that. You would love that. It doesn’t take away from your time with Me any more than your being married to Pete, or having close friends, takes anything away from your relationship with Me. This is your great life-lesson, Eve: Both/And. Both a deep connection to Me AND a deep connection to all that makes up your daily life. And yes—that daily life can include angels, it can include animals, it does include people—people present to you in the body and people present to you in the spirit. Knock down those walls of fear, trust Me to lead you, and receive even more guidance and help and support and love.