Lord, do You have a message for today?
I have a message every day. Every minute you breathe in and out, I am filling you with Life. Think about how you want to spend your life, minute by minute.
Imagine if every minute, you got a dollar. $60.00 an hour, more than you ever earned, working. How would you spend it? Would you spend it, save it, hoard it, waste it, give it away?
Your answer depends on your view of the next minute, doesn’t it? Living in the moment is good—but don’t let that prevent you from planning for and committing to a wonderful future.
Couples who marry, and plan for a family, commit themselves to a future life together. Commit to our future life together.
Believe I AM and I WILL BE. Believe I AM already present in what you call your future, and that your future will be blessed. That is how you live with uncertainty and overcome fear. You focus on Love—for today and tomorrow. And you build on Love, a sure foundation, for whatever comes.