Seeking Direction

Lord, I feel like Thomas. Where are we going? I sense You laughing.

First, I will never outrun you. When Time needs to stop so you can catch up—it will. When birds—or animals—or the Light—need to wait for you, they will. I want you to cloak yourself once again in My Love for you—the love that will never leave you, never abandon you. The Love that says, I am, I AM, so proud of you. The Love that says, well-done. The Love that says, here, let Me take that—of your fear, of your grief, of your pain. The Love that lifts your burden—your burden to succeed, to provide for yourself—and replaces that burden with a light-hearted joy that flows from My abundance, a confidence that lets you relax and enjoy and share freely without the burden of worry over every decision, every purchase, every thought. I just want you to flow. I want “Go For It” to be a new mantra.

I Am Alpha, Omega. I Am the Four Directions. I Am all these things; Love, and Joy, and Peace. King and Protector and Shield. Mighty and Gentle as soft rain. And so, in your own way, are you. Do you long for the Kingdom? Create it. Photograph it, paint it, write it, sing it, call it forth. Speak to the North and the South, the East and the West. Call, and I, Who Am All These Things, will come to you.