I can’t hear You

Lord, I can’t hear You. Please…

You’ve let the world become too loud again in your heart, Little One. Not My world—the world of protest and angst, of fear and anger, of doubt and despair and desperation. Even Jesus “came apart”—you need to “come apart” before you completely come apart at the seams. The fabric of your life with Me is not thin, not fragile, not worn, not threadbare. It is like a blanket of down, remember? It is the soft buckskin of Give-Away deer to remind you, footprints like hearts through your day.

Lord, I somehow want to lie down on the sand. Literally. Stretch out on Your earth, let You heal me. Connect to ground and let the earth speak.

I want you to think of yourself as the Alpha Mare in your own life, responsive to and following Me as your stallion. Let others follow you. You follow Me.

2 Replies to “I can’t hear You”

    1. Oh, Barb, that means the world. That is my only aim: comfort, love, hope, joy, gentleness, peace. I love you so much.

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