Keeping in Rhythm

I am so full of my own thoughts, I can’t seem to shut them out long enough to tune You in.

You always assume you have to silence yourself to hear Me speak, as if I were not living inside your heart, inside your deepest and best thoughts and feelings. I want for us to be like a Duet, in perfect harmony. Harmony singing is not unison of notes, it is unison of timing. It is being in rhythm. When you get frantic, we are no longer in harmony. You need to listen—especially—for My rhythm. That will change and direct the notes you produce. You will be both more productive and more rested if you can stay on the beat.

The Beat of My Heart in your life is always Peace. Is always Gentleness. Yours is the way of Gentle Understanding. Yours is the way of the Soft Answer—the answer that “turns away wrath.” You can walk the narrowest path with ease, because your steps are confident—if you can keep to the Beat. For every thought, ask yourself, is this in rhythm with God’s beat in my life? If not, it is an intruder and can be ignored.

This does not mean the rhythm of your life is dull, boring, never-changing. It doesn’t mean you are marching and plodding. You can dance. You can waltz. You can syncopate, even, as long as the syncopation keeps to an underlying, foundational rhythm.