Bring Your Best

Lord, I always start my day, start at the page, with me. I…whatever. Even if it’s gratitude, shouldn’t I be starting with You?


You have been taught to fear the “I” word, that “I think” and “I feel” are somehow unspiritual. Where else would I want you to start? When couples marry, each says, “I do.” Each brings the best—and worst—of themselves to the table. Each commits to the other.

Some people believe all I want to hear about is Myself—how great I Am, how powerful or holy. I know Who I Am, and yes, part of this relationship is for you to learn Who I Am. But I also know who you are, and part of this relationship is for you to discover who you are, what your gifts are, what and who your loves are, and how you fit into My beautiful world—which means learning about others, who they are.

Nothing delights Me more than seeing you make an important discovery about yourself, and using that new knowledge in the larger world. I have told you before, you have to have a self in order to share a self.

The key question is, what is your center focus? If all you think about is yourself, with no regard for anyone else, you are like those who used to believe the earth was the center of the universe, and the sun circled the earth. But many make the opposite mistake and are equally unbalanced when they refuse to factor themselves, their personalities, and their dreams into their own life equation.

The third way is what I am calling you—all of you—to do. Bring your best to the world. Bring your best to your relationships. Bring your best to your job, which means, find the job best suited to the real you. Bring your best to Me, morning by morning, evening by evening, day by day. Bring your best to the world. After all, isn’t that what I Myself do with you?